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STAHLWILLE工具是根据大多数工具公司不愿意或无法满足的公差和规格而制造的。 STAHLWILLE生产的所有产品均在德国最严格的质量控制条件下生产。
STAHLWILLE以不同于大多数工具的方式进行工具制造。 STAHLWILLE不是制造吸引大众的工具,而是希望专业技术人员使用这些工具,而是为专业技术人员设计工具,了解每个级别的每个工具用户都会欣赏它们。
OSHA(职业安全与健康管理局)和NIOSH(国家职业安全与健康研究所)等组织监督许多行业的工人,他们称之为与手工工具相关的肌肉骨骼疾病。他们知道你可以反复使用工具几个小时就会感到疼痛。他们还认识到工具的质量,并且感觉到的疼痛量通常是相关的。使用廉价制造工具的结果是痛苦和痛苦,工作日损失,生产力降低和其他经济成本。乍一看,通常很难看出哪些工具制作精良。你必须考虑人体工程学,物理学,几何学等.STAHLWILLE认为这些以及更多。 STAHLWILLE工具旨在成为您手的延伸。
在选择工具时,安全性是另一个重要问题。我们经常将安全性与电动工具联系起来。但是,使用便宜的手工工具也同样危险。我们假设我们的螺丝刀刀片不会卡住或我们的扳手不会滑动。使用便宜的工具,你永远不会知道。当您使用廉价工具时,您更有可能伤害自己或周围的人。使用STAHLWILLE工具的技术人员应该发现它们安全且易于使用,具有高度可靠性,质量和一致性的一致性。像Manoskop 730 FIX这样的创新证明了STAHLWILLE对安全的承诺。在这里阅读更多关于“FIX”的信息。
所以你可能会问,“是什么让一个工具比另一个更好?”这将是一个很好的问题。有人认为答案很简单。制造商是否主要关注制作工具的成本,还是主要关注用户和工具的用途? STAHLWILLE工具的设计和制造考虑了用户和实际应用。
材料 - 全球范围内有各种各样的材料。显然,有些比其他人便宜。
制造工艺 - 必须考虑“锻造和完成”或“铸造”之类的事情。这些工具是如何制作的?制造商是外包生产还是内部生产?
设计和工程 - 您不仅需要知道谁在设计工具,还需要知道他们是否也参与了制造过程。制造商是否在设计工具时考虑到了安全性,舒适性和生产率?确保设计工具的人员监控制造过程的每一步,以确保不会因为成本削减,快捷方式或仅仅缺乏对工具应该做什么的理解而丢失任何东西。当制造业外包时,可能会失去密切监控和理解。
STAHLWILLE仅使用高档材料。当您设计可以承受滥用的扭矩扳手时,当您制造具有严格尺寸精度和非剥落铬的通用工具时,只能使用最好的材料。 STAHLWILLE使用特别精选的钢材,使扳手更薄,更轻,更坚固。专有制造技术使工具在其整个生命周期内保持其尺寸精度。
STAHLWILLE认为德国的FORGED和FINISHED应该是质量的保证。当许多公司将制造业外包给遥远的国家时,STAHLWILLE致力于将生产保留在德国。一些索赔外包不会影响质量。他们认为优质材料可以在任何地方购买,所有国家都有能力做人。这些观点可能属实。然而,物质和劳动力并不是影响质量的唯一因素。 STAHLWILLE认为,为了保持最高质量,所有部门都需要从设计到成品一起工作。每个流程都需要涉及与产品线相关的每个人。外包在控制过程中造成了差距。当另一个国家的第三方设施签订合同生产产品时,很难保持质量标准。提出问题时,答案往往涉及削减成本,而不是质量改进。在许多情况下,一旦流程移到海外,设计师和工程师就会从制造过程中移除。直接从STAHLWILLE网站上获取,“...... STAHLWILLE致力于将德国作为生产基地。我们相信只有在这里,我们才能保证遵守我们雄心勃勃的质量目标:每一件产品都必须超过标准规定的要求。“
STAHLWILLE因其创新而受到认可。德国TOP 100竞赛评审团认为STAHLWILLE是2017年德国最具创新性的中小型企业之一。评委会对这家传统企业在其组织中融入创新理念的方式印象特别深刻。工作人员的日常工作和生活。 (top100.de)“即使经过150多年的经营,STAHLWILLE仍在寻找更好的方法来为客户提供最好的工具。
虽然不是该工具的实际部分,但STAHLWILLE认为传统在质量故事中起着重要作用。自STAHLWILLE成立于1862年以来,WILLE家族一直坚持质量。 STAHLWILLE是手工具行业中第一家在1989年获得DIN EN ISO 9001认证的公司。通过几代WILLE家族管理和全球外包制造压力,生产一直留在德国。
从头到尾控制可能会更加昂贵,但STAHLWILLE认为最终结果是值得的。当您花费大量时间和精力设计最佳工具时,您不希望在数千英里之外的国外生产工厂中失去这种努力。 STAHLWILLE很自豪能够提供安全,舒适(符合人体工程学的正确),高效的手动和扭矩工具,这些工具看起来很棒,手感舒适,并且每次都能完成他们应该做的事情。
STAHLWILLE tools are built to tolerances and specifications most tool companies are unwilling or unable to meet. All of the products made by STAHLWILLE are manufactured in Germany under the most stringent quality control conditions.
STAHLWILLE approaches tool making differently than most. Instead of making tools that appeal to the masses and expecting professional technicians to use them, STAHLWILLE makes tools engineered for the professional technician knowing every tool user, at every level, will appreciate them.
It has been said that only a rich man can afford to buy cheap tools. Those of us who appreciate our tools understand this all too well. Initial cost is one thing. When you total the cost of ownership over time, STAHLWILLE tools are clearly a more cost effective choice. Once you calculate the cost of replacing worn tools, fixing and replacing damaged fasteners, the cost of downtime and general frustration, you realize buying cheap tools is very expensive.
If cheap tools were designed for safety, ergonomics, durability, and accuracy, they would no longer be cheap. I think most people agree, “You get what you pay for.” That is very true with tools.
Organizations such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) monitor workers in many industries for what they call musculoskeletal disorders linked to hand tool use. They know anytime you use a tool repeatedly for hours you can become sore. They also recognize the quality of a tool and the amount of soreness felt are often related. The results of using cheaply made tools are pain and suffering, lost workdays, reduced productivity and other economic costs. At first glance, it is often difficult to see which tools are well made. You must consider ergonomics, physics, geometry, etc. STAHLWILLE considers those and more. STAHLWILLE tools are designed to be an extension of your hand.
Safety is another huge concern when making your tool selection. We often relate safety only to power tools. However, using cheaply made hand tools can be just as dangerous. We assume our screwdriver blade won’t snap or our wrench won’t slip. With cheap tools, you never know. When you use cheap tools you are far more likely to injure yourself or someone around you. Technicians using STAHLWILLE tools should find them to be safe and easy to use with a high degree of reliability, quality, and consistency from one size to the next. Innovations like the Manoskop 730 FIX demonstrate STAHLWILLE’s commitment to safety. Read more about the “FIX” here.
Although health issues remain the primary concern, productivity is important as well. When you choose cheap tools you reduce productivity and efficiency. The cost of fixing a rounded bolt head or the cost of downtime while you replace a broken tool (or part) can be critical in a business. Selecting a toolmaker that considers safety and productivity are important.
So you might ask, “What makes one tool better than another?” That would be a good question. Some have argued the answer is simple. Does the manufacturer focus primarily on the cost of making the tool or do they focus primarily on the user and the purpose of the tool? STAHLWILLE tools are designed and built with the user and the practical application in mind.
There are several factors that determine the overall quality of a tool. The top 3 might be:
Materials – there is a wide diversity of material available globally. Obviously, some is cheaper than others.
Manufacturing Processes – Things like “FORGED and FINISHED” or “CAST” have to be considered. How are the tools actually made? Does the manufacturer outsource production or is it in-house?
Design and Engineering – Not only do you need to know who is designing the tool but you need to know if they are involved in the manufacturing process as well. Did the manufacturer engineer the tool with safety, comfort, and productivity in mind? Be sure the same people who design the tools monitor every step of the manufacturing process to be sure nothing is lost due to cost cuts, shortcuts, or just a lack of understanding as to what the tool is supposed to do. When manufacturing is outsourced, that close monitoring and understanding can be lost.
STAHLWILLE uses only high-grade materials. When you engineer torque wrenches that will stand up to abuse and when you make general purpose tools with tight dimensional accuracy and non-flaking chrome, only the best materials can be used. STAHLWILLE uses specially selected steel that allows wrenches to be thinner, lighter and stronger. Proprietary manufacturing techniques result in tools that maintain their dimensional accuracy throughout their life.
See 2 examples of STAHLWILLE quality at STAHLWILLE University:
STAHLWILLE believes FORGED and FINISHED in Germany should be a guarantee of quality. When many companies are outsourcing manufacturing to faraway countries, STAHLWILLE is committed to keeping everything in Germany. Some claim outsourcing does not impact quality. They argue that quality materials can be purchased anywhere and all countries have capable people to do the work. Those points may be true. However, material and labor are not the only factors that influence quality. STAHLWILLE believes in order to maintain the highest quality possible, all departments need to work together from design through finished product. Everyone tied to a product line needs to be engaged throughout each process. Outsourcing creates a gap in the control process. When a third-party facility in another country is contracted to make a product, it is difficult to maintain quality standards. When questions are raised, the answer often involves cost cutting, not quality improvement. In many cases, once a process is moved offshore, the designers and engineers are removed from the manufacturing process. Taken directly from the STAHLWILLE website, “…STAHLWILLE is committed to Germany as a manufacturing location. We believe that it is only here that we can guarantee adherence to our ambitious quality target: every single product has to exceed the requirements laid down in the standards.”
STAHLWILLE has been recognized for its innovation. The jury of the TOP 100 competition in Germany recognized STAHLWILLE as one of the most innovative small and medium businesses in Germany for 2017. The jury was “particularly impressed by the way this tradition-based enterprise has integrated the philosophy of innovation in its organization and the day-to-day work and lives of its staff. (top100.de)” Even after more than 150 years in business, STAHLWILLE is still looking for better ways to produce the best tools possible for its customers.
Although not a physical part of the tool, STAHLWILLE believes tradition plays a large role in the quality story. Since STAHLWILLE was founded in 1862, the WILLE family has insisted on quality. STAHLWILLE was the first company in the hand tool industry to receive DIN EN ISO 9001certification in 1989. Through generations of WILLE family management and global pressure to outsource manufacturing, production has always remained in Germany.
Having control from start to finish can be more expensive but STAHLWILLE believes the end result is worth it. When you spend so much time and effort designing a tool to be the best, you don’t want to lose that effort thousands of miles away in a foreign production plant. STAHLWILLE is proud to offer safe, comfortable (ergonomically correct), efficient hand and torque tools that look great, feel good in your hand and do what they are supposed to do, every time, for a lifetime.
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